Wooden Rocking Chairs for Children
There are many benefits to having rocking chairs for children in your home. Kids love the rocking motion, especially when they are watching television. But, did you know rocking chairs are also a great form of exercise?
Many of us stress when children choose to sit too long in front of the tv. Too often, it becomes a time killer, especially on cold or rainy days. A rocking chair will allow your child to get at least a bit of exercise while they are watching their favorite videos.
None of us recognize that we are “exercising” when we rock in a rocking chair, but truthfully, we are. Having a rocking chair for everyone in the house is a wonderful idea.
Wooden Rocking Chairs for Children
Wooden Child’s Rocker Natural Brown Ages 3-6, IndoorCheck PriceWhen I was a child, I had my own wooden rocking chair. I loved that rocking chair so much that I kept even after I had outgrown it. I simply let my beloved stuffed animals sit in it through my teen years. Then, when I had a daughter of my own, she inherited it. I admit, it never occurred to me that I was saving it for my own children, but that is exactly what happened. She also loved that rocking chair!
When our son was a toddler, we bought him a wooden rocking chair just so he could sit alongside his older sister while they read, played their Sonic the Hedgehog video game or watched their favorite television show. Today, the two chairs sit side by side and hold their stuffed animals. Who knows, perhaps some day they will rock my grandchildren too.
Recommendation for Wooden Rocking Chairs for Children
I recommend the wooden rocking chairs because they can endure decades of use without damage and very little, if any, wear & tear. Unless you rock them on pebbled concrete or in rock beds, they aren’t likely to sustain any damage. Because we had hardwood floors in the den of our first home, I did line the runners (the bottom) with felt to keep the rocking chair from scratching the floor. My child rocker is 50+ years old. It looks brand new with the exception of 3 or 4 surface scratches. Nope, I won’t have it refinished even though I certainly could, simply because I like those signs of love and use.
I should also point out that wooden rockers can be wiped clean!
Gift Mark Child’s Colonial Rocking Chair, WhiteCheck PriceWoodlawn&Home, 881338, Classic Child’s Porch Rocker, Natural OakCheck PriceOutvita Outdoor Children’s Rocking Chair, All-Weather Wooden Porch RockerCheck Price